Pick Your Battles
Embrace your calling through Bible studies and reading plans, workshops and events, and intentionally fostering community
His Mighty Warriors exists to fortify women through God's transforming Word to fight worthy battles with strength, confidence, and passion.
Jennifer is the Founder and Executive Director of His Mighty Warriors and feels called by God to encourage and strengthen women to fight the battles that matter

As I have talked with women over the last several years, I have repeatedly heard a common concern—they feel they are called to do MORE for God's kingdom,  but they just don't believe they are qualified. Perhaps you can relate... I know I can.

When God first called me to share with others what He was teaching me, I panicked. Literally. I actually had to pull my car over because I was completely overcome with fear and the awareness of how unqualified I was. I expressed to God all the reasons why I couldn’t do this. 

His response? That was the point. 

God gave me eyes to see the truth of Gideon’s story in my own life. 

Like Gideon, I was in way over my head.  

Like Gideon, I doubted my ability to do what God was calling me to do.  

Like Gideon, I saw myself from a human standpoint—with all my weaknesses, flaws and mistakes.

But also like Gideon, God saw me as His mighty warrior. I realized that not only was my insufficiency not a problem—it was actually an asset!  My weakness set me free to be fully dependent on God’s strength. As I began to trust Him to equip me to fulfill His calling on my life, my panic was replaced with His peace. 

For the first time, I truly saw myself through God’s eyes. 

And in that moment, everything changed.

Ladies, it's time we let go of our past mistakes, face our fears in faith, and trust God to equip us to fulfill His plans.

It's time we see ourselves as God sees us—as His Mighty Warriors.
Invite Jennifer to speak
Jennifer is the Founder and Executive Director of His Mighty Warriors and feels called by God to encourage and strengthen women to fight the battles that matter
Invite Jennifer to speak


“I lift up my eyes to the mountains–

      where does my help come from?

My help comes from the LORD,

      the Maker of heaven and earth.”

Psalm 121:1-2 (NIV)

His Mighty Warriors exists to fortify women through God’s transforming Word to fight worthy battles with strength, confidence, and passion

We believe the Bible to be the only infallible, authoritative Word of God.

We believe that there is one God, eternally existent in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

We believe in the deity and humanity of Christ, in His virgin birth, in His sinless life, in His miracles, in His vicarious and atoning death through His shed blood, in His bodily resurrection, in His ascension to the right hand of the Father, in His present rule as Head of the Church, and in His personal return in power and glory.

We believe that for the salvation of lost and sinful mankind, regeneration by the Holy Spirit is absolutely essential.

We believe in the present ministry of the Holy Spirit, by whose indwelling the Christian is enabled to live a godly life.

We believe in the resurrection of both the saved (to eternal life) and the lost (to eternal separation from God).

We believe in the spiritual unity of believers in our Lord Jesus Christ, with equality across racial, gender, and class differences.

The His Mighty Warriors Team
Bridget Asheim

Sword Sisters BRLB

Bonnie Banker

Communications Editor and Event Coordinator

Marilyn Bottles

Sword Sisters BRLB

Tami Burkett

Sword Sisters BRLB

Angela Carrillo

Bible Study Translator and Sword Sisters BRLB

Angela Gage

Sword Sisters BRLB

Katherine Gann

Fulfillment Coordinator

Natarsha Hall

Marginalized Women’s Ministry Coordinator and Sword Sisters BRLB

Ann Kolins

Event Coordinator

Rachel McLaughlin

Sword Sisters BRLB

Yosi Ngun

Bible Study Translator

Cherie Nichols

Sword Sisters BRLB

Kathy Prather

Unshakable Journey Study Group Leader

Cindy Richardson

Unshakable Journey Study Group Leader

Sarah Salcedo

Event Photographer

Allison Schneider

Planning Advisor

Megan Thompson

Sword Sisters BRLB

Invite Jennifer To Speak

We are humbled by your interest in having Jennifer speak to your special group of women.

Please fill out the form linked below so that our team can prayerfully consider your gathering. We will be in touch with you regarding future steps. Thank you!

Invite Jennifer to speak


His Mighty Warriors exists to fortify women through God’s transforming Word to fight worthy battles with strength, confidence, and passion
Embrace your calling through Bible studies and reading plans, workshops and events, and intentionally fostering community
Face Today's Battle

Choose a Bible study, reading plan, or event designed to strengthen you to fight your specific battle.

Get Started
An authentic online community to encourage and strengthen you through the word of God
Join Sword Sisters

Be encouraged by women just like you in an online community designed to sharpen your faith.

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Choose a Bible study, reading plan, or event designed to strengthen you to fight your specific battle
Become Unshakable

Embark on a guided journey of transformation designed to help you live unshaken in a broken world.

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